

Consultation is available to help decide if and what type of evaluation and services may be needed.

  • For every evaluation, we first meet to discuss your concerns and the questions you are hoping to answer. 
  • See this list for Common Questions caregivers and patients seek to answer.
  • I also offer brief Teen/Young Adult Follow-up Sessions after an evaluation is complete. 

Evaluation Services

For all evaluation services, you can expect:

  • Initial consultation or interview (in-person or telehealth) with the caregiver(s) and/or adult patient. We discuss history, concerns, and goals for the evaluation.
  • Testing – most evaluations involve at least some testing. This is done on a single day though it can be broken up into two days if needed.
  • Interview with the child (done during testing). I get to know him or her to better understand how I can help. I may ask about interests, feelings, concerns, and goals. We often talk about home, school, and friends.
  • Questionnaires completed by caregivers, teachers, and adult patients, as appropriate.
  • Feedback or meeting (in-person or telehealth) to discuss results and recommendations. I typically meet with caregivers or adult patients, but youth and young adults are encouraged to participate as well. I can also schedule Teen/Young Adult Follow-up Sessions
  • Report or brief letter that is readable and targeted to your needs. It is typically available 2-3 weeks after feedback and, with your written consent, can be shared with whomever you think is appropriate.

Short term Treatment and Intervention

Teen & Young Adult Follow-up

In about 2 sessions,
we discuss:
• Results of evaluation
• Reactions to results
• How results apply to life
• Strengths and how to capitalize on them
• Self-advocacy goals
• Support & resources
• A clear path forward with objective next steps

Family Problem Solving Therapy (FPST)

An Online Rehabilitation and Family-Based Treatment For Youth (ages ~12-20)
with Brain Injury or Illness and Their Family
• Research-based online treatment for youth with brain injury and illness
• Typically involving 8-12 telehealth sessions and online modules
• Focused on treating challenges that occur after injury or illness
• Educates families about the brain injury or illness
• Trains teens and families in problem-solving
• Builds communication skills to help families cope
• Covers many other topics including cognitive and organization problems,
anger management, impulse control, and health
Neuropsychological Services Pennsylvania

Skills Assessed with Evaluations include:

Intelligence & Processing
o Reasoning with language/words
o Visual reasoning (with pictures/images)
o Identifying and creating patterns
o How quickly information is taken in and processed
o The efficiency or accuracy of information processing
o Expressing wants, needs and ideas
o Communicating through writing
o Understanding information shared
o Using vocabulary
o Knowing the names of things
o Understanding of sounds (phonemic awareness)
o Social language or communicating with others
o Ability to learn information you hear
o Visual memory or learning through pictures
o Working memory, or holding onto information in short term
Attention &
Executive Functioning
o Focusing on important information
o Avoiding distractions
o Organization and planning
o Problem solving
o Monitoring work and behavior
o Time management
o Setting goals and following through
o Ability to see images correctly
o Writing and drawing what is seen
o Fine motor speed
o Handwriting
o Activity level
o Reading and phonological skills
o Reading and listening comprehension
o Written expression
o Arithmetic & applied math skills
o Test taking and study skills
o Need for educational accommodations
Social-Emotional Skills
o Coping with problems
o Ability to handle emotions and distress
o Social interest and motivation
o Ability to read nonverbal social cues
o Problem solving in social situations

Common Questions Evaluations Can Answer

Thinking and Learning

  • Why does my child struggle in school? Does she have a learning disability or dyslexia?
  • Is my child gifted? Does he need to be challenged at school?
  • Does my child’s medical condition or brain injury affect his learning?
  • How does my son learn best? 
  • She doesn’t seem to understand things we teach her. Is this a comprehension problem?
  • She doesn’t remember what she learns or is inconsistent. Is her memory impaired?
  • Does she have a math disability?

Attention and Organization

  • My son struggles to focus and is often hyper. Does he have ADHD?
  • Our pediatrician said our daughter has attention and ‘executive functioning’ problems. What are those and can you assess them?
  • How can I help my son be better organized and follow through on tasks?
  • Teachers complain she is off-task and forgetful. Is that ADHD?
  • My high schooler procrastinates, lacks motivation, and doesn’t care about school or home demands. How can I help him?

Day-to-Day Functioning

  • What are my child’s unique strengths and weaknesses? 
  • Can you help me understand why my child needs more help with everyday tasks compared to others?
  • My young adult child lacks direction. How can I help prepare her for adulthood?
  • Our teenage daughter gets overwhelmed easily. What contributes to her struggles and how can I support her?
  • My child received early intervention due to developmental delay. How is he progressing? 

Social and Emotional

  • Anxiety is a big issue for my son. Now his grades are dropping. Is this due to anxiety or is it something else? 
  • Our daughter has a hard time making friends and she misses social cues. How can we help?
  • My son struggles at school and may be depressed. Does he need school support? Should he start therapy or medicine?
  • We were told our child has “sensory processing” issues. What is that?
  • My child has emotional outbursts at home. What can we do?